Day tripping and some almost edible crochet
Happy Easter to you all! We had a glorious celebrations of Jesus's resurrection at church this morning and once again it humbled me to know how much he has blessed my life. I have had quite a few relaxing days doing bits and bobs and thinking about charity shop sort outs and our potential packing if all goes well with our house buying. It's such a funny thing buying and selling a home, just like the buses nothing happens and then all of a sudden it's a flurry of bank appointments and lawyers and signing this and that, then it goes all quiet again before the next lot arrives :o) We went to Rye on Good Friday and it was just the perfect elixir our little family needed, pottering in old antiquity shops, fish and chips and tea and cake! The air was nippy and fresh and we wrapped up warm despite the sun peaking out from behind the clouds. We love going to see "the glass man" from the antiques roadshow, Andy McConnell in his shop , where there is always a warm welcome...