
Showing posts from May, 2014

A little break

It's time for me to face facts and take a break from blogging for the foreseeable future. I have realised that working 40 plus hours a week and juggling home life together with the other responsibilities I have, that I cannot blog for the moment. We are also in the throws of buying and selling homes and that has it's own stresses too. It won't stop me creating though as I find this helps me to relax and reflect and think. There is therapy in those needles :o) I crocheted these toadstools and flowers for a yarn bombing project to take place in August at a children's hospice with the theme being Enid Blytons "The Faraway Tree" which sounds like it's going to be a magical experience for all the children. I will be back to blog when the time permits and part of me feels sad, but a little relieved to say this temporary goodbye. I wanted to say a very big thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your comments and conversations we have had. They have meant ...