Charity shop finds
Hello there
Today was my lucky charity shopping day
I found these knitting needles at 35p a pair all sitting waiting for me to take them home
I was rather thrilled to have found some of these adjustable circular needles too
a nifty old tape measure for 30p
I'm always losing misplacing my tape measures so another one is good to have, I wonder who owned this and what journey it's been on?
and last, but not least a perfect sized mug for Alice's Horlicks at night
Hip hip hooray for charity shops, I would feel lost without them.
How about you? Are you a lover of charity shops?
Found anything nice lately? I'd love to know.
Happy hunting
See you soon
I am off try out my new circular needles to knit a quick and easy new born hat for the latest addition to our family, baby Fyfe was born on 1/2/14 and we get to have cuddles tomorrow x
EDIT: Oops I meant to say that baby Fyfe is my sister in law's new baby just in case you may have thought I was hiding a pregnancy :o)?
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